Robyn Mallery Art Featured on the

Front Page of the Tri-City Voice!

Tri-City Voice Promo Image

6 February 2023

Robyn Mallery

When I walked into the gallery for the artist's reception on Saturday I thought I knew what to expect. However, immediately upon entering, I was greeted by a handful of people. I introduced myself, grabbed my nametag, and one said "Oh! You're the one in the Newspaper!" 

*crickets, as I internally process this information*

She gave me one of their three copies, which is proudly pinned to my wall right now. I don't have much to say except wow, wow, wow. I never in a million years imagined that I would see my art in print like this, much less so soon. 

I can't even believe my work is hanging in a gallery! Big things are happening all so quickly and I'm just so proud of it all. 

Front Page of Tri-City Voice

Check out the article on whatever device you prefer here, or you can squint really hard like I did and attempt to read from the picture below! Of course, if you're in the area, you can try and find a copyof the paper itself, too!

Thank you for reading!


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